Monday, December 15, 2008

Thomas Morgan #2.

"Not quite the age of the majority, but that doesn't really matter, does it? Thomas Morgan. Torontosaurus."

Thomas Morgan in the G & S days. I had a friend who was from Canada and he would go skating at Tornotosaurus when he went to visit relatives. He would bring back stories about how good guys like Morgan, Bill Weiss and Jason Corbett were. I never got to go with him to Toronto, but I did make it to Sud Skates in St. Catharines once or twice. If the internet can be believed, Suds is still around after twenty years.

The photo is by Spike Jonze.

Transworld - January 1991 Volume 9 Number 1


Anonymous said...

great stuff, came across it thanks to BTO. What blogs do you find insightful and well written?

Justin said...

Anything I've got in the list of links.

Skate Daily, Skate Park Of Tampa and Crailtap are all great if you want up to date skateboard news.

Chromeball Incident, Police Informer, 4Q and You Will Soon are all nice sources of entertainment.

Boil The Ocean probably has a better list of links than I do.

I spelled Crailtap wrong the first time I posted this.

Fast Food Fridays said...

Sud skates is still alive and well. one of the oldest and best shops in Canada.
Joe Wing and the guys there are owed a great amount of appreciation for all they have done. If you ever meet Joe, get him to tell you his Bill Weiss stories.

Justin said...

That's great Suds is still around. I'm not sure if I want to hear all the Bill Weiss stories. Somethings are better left unknown.

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