Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Matt Hensley #3.

Here is a little something to make up for the lack of Matt in Dancing In The Dirt.

The photos are by Daniel Harold Sturt.

Transworld - January 1991 Volume 9 Number 1


Keith said...

Nose slide tailgrabs seemed to make sense back then but now seems really weird.

A-1 Meats had a pretty stacked team back then with Lotti and Hensley. Same with Gullwing. They must have sold so many Street Shadows because of Hensley. Those Gullwing Magnesiums were crazy expensive. I don't think I ever really saw a set in person.

Anonymous said...

It seems like a painful trick to do. Matt got locked in pretty good on the slide. I don't think of him as skating rails.

I had red Pro III's with metal baseplates on my first good board. Why the shop didn't steer me toward either Trackers or Indys, I don't know. It might have been about color, but I don't really like red. Those were the only Gullwings I ever had. Some of my friends had the ones with thick plastic baseplates. Those things were awful. Were those the Street Shadows? Or was that the model before? I thought the Street Shadow got rid of the groove.

I had a few sets of A-1 Meats because of Matt. I used to have the Cult Follower t - shirt. I've still got a green A-1 shirt with a giant logo screened on the front and back. It's kind of uncomfortable to wear because there is so much screen printing on it.

Royce said...

"I had red Pro III's with metal baseplates on my first good board. Why the shop didn't steer me toward either Trackers or Indys, I don't know. It might have been about color, but I don't really like red. Those were the only Gullwings I ever had. Some of my friends had the ones with thick plastic baseplates. Those things were awful. Were those the Street Shadows? Or was that the model before? I thought the Street Shadow got rid of the groove."

I would still take Gullwings over Tracker anyday of the week.

Almost all Gullwings from this era had the composite baseplates. Pro III's - Sidewinders - and the Street Shadow. The Street Shadow didn't have the same dip as the Pro III's and the Sidewinders.

I don't think I ever had a pair of A1 Meats. Had Cult Follower and Dancing in the Dirt though. Oh yes, the Meat is Murder shirt as well.

Royce said...

Pro III's :


SideWinder :


850 Slick :


Beloved - Street Shadow:


Keith said...

wow. Thanks for those pics Royce. I had super pro 3's. I ground those suckers right to the axle. The composite baseplate thing was weird. Thick like a riser pad.

I went from Tracker Ultralites to Super pro 3's. After that, I think I switched to Ventures with metal baseplates. At least one set of Indy's at some point in those early days. Then when tech skating was going bananas, switched to the Venture lows with the green bushings and the 6 hole pattern. Wasn't Venture the first to do that? Offset the front bolts so they don't get in the way of nose slides?

Anonymous said...

My friends had the plastic based Pro III's. I must have gotten the last of the metal baseplate ones.

Yes, Venture was the first to have the six hole pattern.

I rode a lot of Thunders back when there would be the little lizards or daggers on the baseplates.

boleroid said...

What's really amazing about this ad to me, and really a testament to Hensley's style, is that the most interesting frames in the sequence are the last two, which show him landing and rolling out.

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