Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Vinnie Ponte.

This guy had some massive pop. It seemed like in each new video part he put out at the end of 1990s, he was doing ollies higher than the previous one. He also went fast and subscribed to the school of doing your tricks better over doing every single trick out there. Vinnie rode for Zoo York and Pig Wheels after Tree Fort. I believe he rode for War Effort after Zoo and then he kind of just faded away.

Paul "Skin" Phillips snapped the picture.

Transworld - October 1995 Volume 13 Number 10

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was fortunate enough to skate with Vinnie Ponte a few times back in the early '90s. I grew up in NY state and Newberg was my home park, and he would skate there occasionally. Me and my friends even met him on the train down to NYC for the Brooklyn Banks contest. That was a crazy day for sure, seeing so many pros in one place.

—Rikku Markka

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