Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Ethan Fowler #4.

A little more Stereo for the week.

I need to scan some new stuff this weekend. I'm not sure what I want to put up next. I had been really liking the mid 1990s stuff, but I sort of feel like I need to take a break from that time period. I was also thinking about including a couple of Brain Floss or Canvas features.

Any requests?

Thrasher - February 1995 Volume 15 Number 2


Old School Sammy said...

How about a couple of posts about the late 80's early 2000's Shorty's team--since they were so popular for their (limited) time, and maybe some "Where are they now?" Follow ups? There was a pretty cool Jesse Silva/Sammy Baptista pic in this month's Thrasher on their subscription page, made me think it'd be cool to see more of that era.

old School Sammy said...

I meant late 90's there---damned typos...

Anonymous said...

I remember seeing this years ago and thinking it was a frontside heelflip and thinking it being a little different from the frontside flip craze that was going on at the time. Looking at it now though, I am not so sure. Flip or frontside flip?

Anonymous said...

Oops. That posy above should read:

Frontside flip or frontside heelflip?

Justin said...

Jesse Silva and Sammy Baptista is kind of an odd request. I'll keep it in mind since I never would have thought of posting anything on them. I never paid much attention to the ams on Shorty's back then.

I'm going to say it is a frontside kickflip based on the foot position in the first frame. I'm fine with being wrong with my guess. There isn't enough information to tell for sure. The foot position does suggest that it could be a heelflip in the later frames. I know I've read about Ethan doing frontside heelflips before in Big Brother. The frontside heelflip on transition is a rarely seen trick and it seems awkward to do. Not that I could do one. but you know what I mean.

Anonymous said...

It's gotta be a frontside flip. You can tell the direction the board is rotating between the 3rd and 4th frame. Notice how his back foot catches it, and it continues rotating to flat in the 4th. Otherwise, it would be an over-shot heelflip that corrected when his back foot caught it, which seems less likely.

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