Friday, June 12, 2009

Max Schaaf #3.

Real having some fun with Too Short and Max.

Max is one of my favorite pros. He's been with Real for a long time and I think they might be the only board sponsor he's every had. They are definitely the only company Max has been pro for. He also does the 4Q Conditioning website and custom shop.

I'm going to bang out another week of mid 1990s stuff and then do some older things from 1990, including the infamous green Henry Sanchez Spitfire ad. I could probably use a break from updates, but since I only update at work and I'm at work Monday through Friday, I feel obligated to keep going. I've also been using the printmaking studio at the college for the last two weeks to make some new etchings. I've only got a week left of studio time before a high school art program invades for a month so I'm trying to get as much done as I can with that right now. Skateboarding is a low priority for a few more days, but I'm hoping to roll around this weekend. The rainy weather has made it easier focus on art, even though I've just been winging it.

Slap - September 1996 Volume 5 Number 9


Anonymous said...

keep on going man I LVOE YOU~!!!

Anonymous said...


smorales said...

I like how Max can just go on trips with the Anti-Hero guys and even appear in their ads(he has a shot in the sweet photogrAHffiti thrasher ad). Seems like a good guy.

smorales said...

Oh, and art and skateboarding are cool. So is this blog, I think it falls somewhere in between.

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