Monday, June 8, 2009

Paul Sharpe #2.

If you want to get some props from people on your choice of footwear, I suggest wearing a pair of blue Lakai Manchester Selects to a wedding. I also suggest making sure it is a wedding where people won't mind if you are wearing sneakers either. And obviously make sure you haven't skated in the shoes.

Slap - September 1996 Volume 5 Number 9


Old School Sammy said...

I got married in a tux and my black DC Mantecas...nobody (for the most part) was the wiser...

Anonymous said...

I've been to two friend's weddings, where there were plenty of skaters in attendance, but I don't recall anybody wearing skate shoes. Everyone was dressed like a grown-ass man. Some were stressing over being dressed properly.

At one wedding, the couple wrote their own vows and after reciting them, they pounded up, and did the hip-hop hug. It definitely dropped the jaws of those in attendance, because it was so unexpected/inappropriate, but also because these were two of the whitest kids from the suburbs.

Old School Sammy said...

I had a low-key wedding, just 40 friends and family, and the damned bar bill was 4 times what the DJ (who sucked, even with me giving them a partial playlist) cost, and $250 more than the room AND food cost---there was some SERIOUS pounding of beverages going on that afternoon, followed by a nice keg party in my jacuzzi motel room afterwards---the end of the night was rather blurry for me, but there is plenty of photographic evidence that I had a blast.

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