Friday, June 19, 2009

Tim McKenney.

"Tim McKenney doesn't give a fuck. Huge lien transfer over the middle quarter - pipe from the bowled corner."

Tim rode for Think, did some damage and vanished. That seems to be a common theme this week. His part in Dedication will always be remembered simply for his drunken rendition of "Foxy Lady" by Jimi Hendrix. I'm not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing, but his skateboarding was definitely good.

The photo is from the Skate Park Of Tampa's amateur contest. He got fifth in street at the Tampa Am in 1997. Judd Hertzler won, Billy Rohan got second, Toebe Parkhurst was third and Josh Stewart came in fourth.

* I think it was the 1997 Tampa Am. The contest might have been from December 1996 and there was no date with the article.

Luke Ogden handled the photo.

Thrasher - April 1997 Volume 17 Number 4


Anonymous said...

tim is one of my fav's an all terrain ripper kills pools with rad style. wish he would come back and get some coverage.

Anonymous said...

that dude is a fartrammer!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the posimojo guys.. all love... look up josh mosh on utube for mckenney in 2019' I still got some love to give! LETS GET IT!

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