Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Joe Pino.

Joe is from Washington, DC. He rode for Goodtimes, Gullwing and Reef Footwear. He got sponsored by Goodtimes after Gregg Witt sent Peter Hewitt by train from San Diego to DC to find a street skater.

Joe was into model airplanes and flying. He was also into metal and hardcore bands such as Neurosis and Rorschach.

Joe was one of the key people involved in starting the Washington Street skatepark in San Diego. This was born out of frustration of not having anything good to skate. The initial spark to start building with concrete happened when Joe built a bench at his apartment. Allegedly the Rhythm team even filmed some tricks on it.

Note: Pino is spelled wrong in the ad. I'm also going to say that it should be Olson and not Olfon.

Thrasher - March 1995 Volume 15 Number 3

For the background: Thrasher - February 1999 Volume 19 Number 2


Anonymous said...

I think there was even an article in Transworld on how to build your own bench written by Joe Pino.

It's gotta suck when your sponsor can't even spell your name properly, and doubly so when you're featured in the ad.

- Rikku Markka

justin said...

I'll give Goodtimes a little slack on this typo because it was probably Joe's first ad and they might not have met him yet.

Olfon is inexcusable.

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