Monday, April 5, 2010

Spitfire #7.

By my extremely scientific calculations of flipping through old Thrashers until Spitfire used it in an ad, this was the first appearance of the flame head logo.

Thrasher - May 1992 Volume 12 Number 5


Old School Sammy said...

Would LOVE to know who designed the Flamehead logo (Jim Phillips?), it's such an effing iconic classic.

D.stroy said...
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D.stroy said...

Anyone noticed that in the photo where Cardiel holds a pigeon he really looks like a living person flamehead?
You can find it on the cromeball incident, sorry for some reason i can't link it here.
Anyway i think that's just amazing!
same expression, same position, the grin and the eyes...
maybe he's the inspiration behind it, or he draw it, i don't know...

chops said...

Old School, I remember seeing an issue of Juxtapoz a few months back with a Kevin Ancell article (I think) and the flamehead logo was featured in there with the title "If I had a dime every..."

justin said...

I have no idea who designed the logo, but my money would be on Kevin Ancell.

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