Thursday, July 22, 2010

Clyde Singleton #2.

Acme made Clyde a professional skateboarder in 1994. He soon bounced for 101 and a pro board with his name actually printed on it. He teamed up with Sal Barbier for 23 and Aesthetics after 101 was shelved. In addition to his skateboarding skills, Clyde has graced the pages of many a magazine with his raw take on the English language. Not that Big Brother wouldn't have been interesting without him, but he added a lot of entertainment value to its pages with his articles and reviews of videos and albums. There were a bunch of great skateboarding photos, too.

Transworld - October 1994 Volume 12 Number 10

1 comment:

smorales said...

That is an awesome ad. The simplicity with the color coordination. Really ties it together...

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