Friday, June 17, 2011

Kris Markovich #10.

It's been a while since I posted any Markovich. What's this guy been up to lately? He had a bunch of new photos with that interview in Skateboarder a year and a half ago, but there hasn't much since. All I want is one more video part from this guy. He could even do it all on a mini ramp and it would still be better than most videos today.

Inness is Matt Hensley's clothing company. They have been in business since 1996, which is a lifetime and then some for a skateboard clothing effort. The name is taken from the Scottish clan name of Matt's late mother. They sponsor a variety of skateboards and bands.

Transworld - February 1998 Volume 16 Number 2


Keith said...

straight leg indy is tight!

iSapien1956672 said...

don't let DP hear you say that :) there's no such thing as a frontside indy... It is a sick pic however...

justin said...

Phelps will ban you from Thrasher with talk like that.

Interestingly enough the last Markovich post was of this same trick on a different ramp.

Keith said...

lol. So straight leg fs air?

word verification is unnogged lol

justin said...

Yes, straight leg frontside air would be correct and keep you on Phelp's good graces.

Anonymous said...

I thought the trick was a front side nose bone?

justin said...

A nose bone is usually more tweaked toward the front:

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