Friday, October 14, 2011

Scott Bourne #2.


Slap - April 2000 Volume 9 Number 4


Anonymous said...

Great post. I remember reading a article Scott wrote in Slap in which he talked about hitching on trains digging ditches.

Anonymous said...

man. talk about tattoo regret. i have it too but nowhere near as bad... poor guy.

Anonymous said...

do you have that "stay poor, stay pure" ad? Wasn't that also Scott Bourne?

justin said...


I'm sure I have it somewhere. If it was a year 2000 ad and I see it, I'll post it sooner. Otherwise, I'll put it on my short list of requests that I've been meaning to get to, including more Sean Kelling and Mike Cao.

The word verify was adpangs, so throw some Jeff Pang on that list.

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