Monday, December 12, 2011

Mark Gonzales #11.

"Hellbow hover test conducted by Mark Gonzales."

This is another Transworld poster from 1989 that used to hang on my bedroom wall. I think this is the poster that made me a fan of the Gonz as he was around, but not as visible as other pros in 1989. This topic was discussed in depth over at the Chrome Ball Incident a couple of weeks ago by Eric and Mark. Hellbow was this massive mini ramp with a bunch of hips and spines in somewhere in Orange County during the late 1980s/early 1990s. It got a lot of coverage in the mags. I can imagine the neighbors were thrilled with living next to it.

Unfortunately Vert Is Dead is going on a temporary and unplanned hiatus. My dad had a heart attack over the weekend and is currently hospitalized for treatment. I have some stuff scanned and thought I could keep going with regular updates, but I'm not feeling it and need to take the break. Feel free to send good vibes and positive thoughts this way. Thanks for understanding and thanks to everybody that checks out this website.

The photo is by O.


tictac said...

I have read your blog everyday now for almost a year. I thoroughly enjoy it. Best wishes to you and your family.

chops said...

Best wishes to the fam. Godspeed.

georg reinhardt said...

best wishes to you, your dad and your whole family!

been a fan of your blog for a few years, now!

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed your blog for a few years, spend as much time as you can with your father

Neil said...

Thanks for the great reading, and best wishes to your family. Take care of what's important.

Skate Nazi said...

Sorry to hear bro, hope your pops has a speedy and full recovery.
Take care and best wishes.

Anonymous said...

Hey, positive thoughts coming to you from Tokyo, Japan.

Like the others said, your blog is well curated blast from the past that I look at regularly.

Hoping all is fine for you, your father and your family.

iSapien1956672 said...

dope, I had this poster on my wall growing up, I think I still have around here some place...

Five-o Cheapster said...

Best wishes to your dad and family. peace

Keith said...

That's a pretty stinkbuggy fs ollie.

Sending good mojo to your Dad and your family.

Sean said...

Thats gotta be an ollie pivot right? Frontside ollie is ruining my stoke on it. Stay up Justin.

JRog said...

Positive vibes for your father!

Thanks for the blog. I check it often and reminisce!

justin said...

Thanks for the well wishes, everybody.

My dad is doing well. Recovery is going to take some time, but things seem to improving day by day.

I would have to guess that Mark is doing an ollie to frontside pivot from where he is looking and how the board is angled. I think I used to stare at the poster and try to figure that out.

Anonymous said...

Thank for all the great articles - and best wishes for your Dad - I hope he gets over this.


Anonymous said...

you do good work, you deserve a break. best of luck to your pops!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad your dad's feeling better, I hope he makes a recovery. Always enjoy visiting the site and commenting here and there.

boil the ocean said...

best wishes

Bigperm said...

Long time viewer, first time commenter. Love the blog but much more importantly commenting to send you some good vibes and prayers your way. The blog always stokes me out and I hope this does the same. Keep your head up and keep that P.M.A. going Justin!

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