Thursday, January 5, 2012

Scott Stanton.

Zorlac was started in the late 1970s by Jeff Newton. The company was the face of early Texas skateboarding with John "Tex" Gibson and Craig Johnson. Other team riders, not necessarily all from Texas, included Todd Prince, Mark and Barry Abrook, Rob Mertz, Aaron Deeter and Donny Myhre. Zorlac also released boards for Texas skatepunks the Big Boys and Metallica. Brian "Pushead" Schroeder did most of the graphics for the company, which created Zorlac's distinct visual look.

Scott is a vert ripper from Florida. He used to be in the band The Causey Way, who had albums out on Alternative Tentacles, and Pilot Scott Tracy.

This will make more sense tomorrow.

Thrasher - January 1990 Volume 10 Number 1

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I miss Scott. I knew him when he was pretty young. His older brother was a friend--Glenn Stanton of Focus On The Family.

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