Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Kevin "Spanky" Long.

Kevin was one of the new ams on Kareem Campbell's City Stars before that company came to an end. This group included Paul Rodriguez, Mikey Taylor, Devine Calloway, Justin Case and Van Wastell. He got some boards from Toy Machine and then settled in at Baker, where he has been ever since. He won the SPoT's Tampa Am contest in 2003. Spanky has also been on Emerica the entire time.

The photo is by Atiba Jefferson.

Big Brother - April 2002 Number 83


Skately said...

Gotta wonder what could have been with that early group of City Stars ams. Spanky was also on Brian Young's 16 Skateboards before City Stars.

justin said...

I didn't know he was on 16. I try not to use the little kid sponsors out of respect for current pros.

I think Krooked's Mike Anderson was on Tony Hawk's youth clothing company, as I found a couple of ads the other day with a little Mike jumping down some stairs.

Keith said...

Kareem had an eye for talent!

It's funny how the transition went:

Menace - MNC - All City - City Stars
gang/ghetto image ---- ripping groms

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