Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Rodney Mullen #2.

1. "We laugh at ourselves to make it okay to laugh at you."

2. "There is opportunity in starting your own project or brand. I did not start a company. I started a division of an existing company. Starting a company is much different and a much more difficult thing. I'm not a damn magician. Hats off to Rick and Mike and everyone at the Girl and Chocolate families, to Lance Mountain at the Firm and Tony Hawk at Birdhouse for doing it and doing it well. Actually, it never occurred to me that I might have to shop around for a new sponsor. What I did was convey my ideas to Rodney Mullen concerning how I felt, which was the opposite of words like "proud" and "stoked" on how the A-Team was going. Everything rested with what his response might be. I had some ideas about something good - that's all it was. There aren't enough of those in skateboarding. People are wrapped up in making sure their product fits in with what's trendy or hot at the time. They'll do anything, sell anything, however much they hate it or stand against it. The bottom line is: the rent has to get paid. Dwindle Distribution knows this. And I had the opportunity to be able to start something through Dwindle - and we didn't have to worry about where the money would come from. Sales schmales, I just want to make good things. Very simple, design-oriented stuff for skateboarders. I like very plain stuff, and advertisements that make me laugh. I don't care if you love it or hate it. I'd prefer that you loved it, but it's not top priority for me. enjoi is for the friends. enjoi is about the friends. If nothing else, relate to that." - Marc Johnson

3. How does it feel to be Rodney's boss? I don't know, but I wonder how it would feel to be his barber.

For the quotes: Skateboarder - April 2001 Volume 10 Number 5

Big Brother - November 2001 Issue 78


Keith said...

I didn't know MJ started enjoi.


justin said...

Interesting observation. Rodney's the only guy who has stuck with it since the relative beginning.

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