Friday, June 29, 2012

Michael Sieben #2.

"If you can sort of grow a moustache, sort of do it."

Here's some sage advice from David Dittmeyer for all you kids headed to the old skateboard park. In related news, Roger has updated their website and posted the trailer for their video. It looks good and I'm looking forward to seeing the whole thing. Anybody know the band for the song they used?

Vert Is Dead will be back on July 9th. I need a break. It will probably be 2004 after that. Unless I come up with a better idea. Feel free to leave requests in the comments.

Thrasher - October 2003 Volume 23 Number 10


iSapien1956672 said...

always loved this one

Pens Of The abyss said...

the bearings thing is too funny...

Skately said...

"If you don't already push mongo, start". That just made my day.

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