Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Reese Forbes #2.

The essence of freedom.

Rasa Libre was started by Matt Field with the backing of Deluxe. Matt had been riding for Real. Nate Jones made the horizontal shift over from Real to join the team. Reese Forbes had just left Element and soon became the third pro for the new company. A big part of Rasa Libre's image was the art of Michael Leon, who had previously been working for Girl. He also had a side project for his art called Commonwealth Stacks. A couple notable amateurs included Omar Salazar and Dylan Rieder.

It's not entirely fair to lump Rasa Libre in with the extinct companies because Matt is still doing the brand today. However, there was a period of time where the whole operation was shut down and the team dispersed to ride for other companies so that's why I'm including it in the week.

Michael has since turned Commonwealth Stacks into Stacks, a board company with Reese. The team includes Sebo Walker, Dan Lebron, Ben Fisher and a few others.

Thrasher - October 2003 Volume 23 Number 10


Anonymous said...

Mr. Leon at his best...Not sure if Matt is still running Rasa. Really wish that it had stayed with DLX. Thinking about that team today!

Keith said...

That's a super good sequence. I never really got the handle of balancing nose grinds front side or back side. I can only do them krooked or short tap style.

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