Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Gary Collins.

Gary is from Cincinnati. He rode for a hometown company called Culture and was on flow from Deluxe for a bit. He was also on Consolidated. He is doing Instrument Skateboards and Galaxy Skateshop out of Cincy these days.

Gary was recently injured and acquired some hefty medical bills. His friend Andrew is selling some photo prints to help with the expenses. I put the link in the comments.

"Peter's coming up next."

Andrew Hutchison took the photo.

Thrasher - August 2004 Volume 24 Number 8


Justin said...

Here is the link for Andrew Hutchison's etsy store:

He's got a lot of photos for sale of pro skateboarders you will like.

hutch73 said...

thanks for spreading the word! gary didn't ride for media. he started with a small company out of cincy called Culture. after that he got DLX flow for awhile. eventually got on consolidated. and as you said, currently owns instrument as well as galaxy skateshop.

Justin said...

Thanks for clearing that up. Who am I thinking of then?

Just trying to help out a little bit. Best wishes to Gary on a speedy recovery.

Anonymous said...

You were thinking of Gary Smith.

--Rikku Markka

justin said...

Did they both ride for Krux?

hutch73 said...

they did both ride for krux (and have blond hair)

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