Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Jeremy Wray #4.

50-50 on a tall ledge.

Jeremy rode for Blockhead and Color before getting on Plan B. He took tricks to new levels by doing everything bigger, longer, and higher than people before him. He was also really good at skating assorted rooftop ledges and gaps, which leave you little margin for error. When Plan B ended, Jeremy switched to Element. This was good for a while, except until Element started featuring some of the legends on their team a whole lot less than they should. He left Element within the last year or two and I'm not exactly sure what he is up to these days.

The photo is by Atiba Jefferson.

Transworld - March 1997 Volume 15 Number 3


Anonymous said...

This man deserves to be on a pro roster.

Paul said...

These are some good news:

Unknown said...

Since Element has tapered off, I've been working on starting my own company with my brother Jonas called Wray Bros brand. We've just got our first rounds of boards and stickers made and everything is looking good! Look for us in shops near you soon.

Keith said...

Did he ride for Prime? I thought Color dissolved at the same time Girl started and he jumped to Plan B at that time.

And Element still has him on their website.

What wood company is pressing Wray Bros boards?

Justin said...

Thanks for stopping by and giving us the update, Jeremy.

Keith - He did go right from Color to Plan B. I made a mistake. We've been changing a bunch of stuff at work so I have less time some days. I mistook a Color ad for a Prime ad when I did a quick check of CBI.

Five-o Cheapster said...

Always inspired Before sk8ing by wray's section in second hand smoke back in mid 90s. Such a ripper. Why didn't plan b put him back on the roster? Great plan b posts Justin. Stoked on the new company j wray.

Justin said...

Jeremy said in an interview with Jenkem that when Plan B II was starting up, they thought he was set at Element and didn't want to step on any toes by asking him to ride for them. Oddly enough, B and Element operate out of the same company these days.

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