Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Hugh "Bod" Boyle #3.

Bod is from London, England. His nickname is from an English cartoon. He grew up skating around the city and at the Crystal Palace ramp with Steve Douglas. At the end of the 1980s, he started doing really well in a lot of vert contests. Bod also moved to San Jose around that time, too. He was on G & S before Santa Cruz. According to an interview from twenty three years ago, his favorite bands included Black Sabbath, the Sex Pistols, the Damned, and Bad Religion. Some of his favorite skaters were Mike Smith, Todd Prince, Sergie Ventura, and the locals at Jeff Kendall's warehouse ramp.

For the info: Thrasher - May 1990 Volume 10 Number 5

Thrasher - March 1990 Volume 10 Number 3


chuck rich said...

Bod is a awesome dude. he is the guy that gave me a job at NHS 16 years ago and then again at Dwindle a year ago. just wish he would get back on a skateboard more.

Skately said...

We concur with Chuck, Bod is an awesome dude! Always friendly and cool.

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