Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Kyla Duffy.

Rookie was a company out of New York City that was started in 1998 and lasted into the early 2000s. The team was mostly women and featured Jessie Van Roechoudt, Lauren Mollica, Kyla Duffy, Jaime Reyes and Lisa Whitaker. Later they sponsored a few boys, including Tino Razo, Sean Kelling, Shane Medanich, and Jon Klein. I was a fan of what they were doing.

Kyla had a few photos here and there in the mags for skating vert.

Miki Vuckovich was the photographer.

Slap - December 1997 Volume 6 Number 12


dylan digits said...

It looks like Rookie's website is still online, with a *very* dated all-flash interface.

Justin said...

That is ancient for the internet. Must have signed up for an extended domain hosting plan.

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