Friday, September 5, 2014


What we do is secret.

Subliminal was a company created by the late Blaize Blouin and artist Shepard Fairey, of Andre The Giant Has a Posse fame among other things.

Slap - October 1996 Volume 5 Number 10


Anonymous said...

Damn. I don't remember that or never heard ot it? RIP to Blaze Blouin. I got to see him skate Stone Edge skatepark alot when I was a kid.

rnc said...

Blaze Blouin, sick.

Dude do you have those little GSD ads that would be in the back of TWS circa 87 88? Like a quarter page in size? One of them was about banana puncture proof tires. Another was about giving your son a bowl of warm water. I've been looking for those forever. GSD ads. Quarter pages. Back of TWS late 80s. Thanks so much.

bradtheraddad said...

Blaize ruled...such power, style and (what I presume to be) the coolest dude. I uploaded his G&S part years ago and the comments are nothing but love for the guy:

Justin said...

Subliminal was fairly low key. They had a few ads in Slap and that might have been about the extent of it.

I don't have any of those GSD ads. That was just before I really got into skateboarding. I'm always a few minutes late to the party.

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