Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Chris & Ricca Gentry.

Outer Space.

Chris Gentry started his own company called Kingdom in the mid 1990s. He had been pro for Vision before this. His wife Ricca was also prominently involved in the effort. Their ads were notable for featuring the couple floating in the final frontier.

Chris Ortiz did the photography, Shannon McMullen did the hair, and De'arnna Kilekeras did the makeup.

Transworld - November 1996 Volume 14 Number 11


Anonymous said...

i would bang ricca like a screen door in a hurricane.

Anonymous said...

nonickname said...

I'm guessing this is the first time you've had to make note of who did the hair and makeup in an ad...

Justin said...

It probably is. I know I've given credit to graphic designers before.

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