Friday, November 20, 2015

Brian Anderson #5.

Top shelf, next to the peanut butter.

That's a hockey reference for scoring a goal, as in the Canadian sport and not the skateboard company.

So are some of the seemingly random rumors that get posted on the Slap message boards actually turning out to be true?

Vert Is Dead will be back on Monday, November 30th for the usual month of older scans from 1988 to 1991. Enjoy your Thanksgiving or the week in general.

The photo is by Skate Mental.

Thrasher - May 2006 Volume 26 Number 5


nonickname said...

It rained the other day and then the sun came out for a glorious late fall day, so I hit the park over lunch, giant puddles everywhere, including directly in front of the metal curb, so I thought "well I'll just have to Ollie over the front of the puddle and grind all the way across..." 2nd try I land a 5-0 across(mentally saying "yeah-screw you puddle!), then another where I accidentally slipped into a tailslide at the thought yep, one more at speed and pop out 180...the extra speed just meant when I slipped out the last time the splash was Charlton Heston-esque, and obviously appreciated by the teenager who let out a really loud "Dammmnnnn!" Worked the rest of the day in soaked pants and gitch.
Have a good weekend everyone and thanks again Justin for this fun spot.

Justin said...

In yo face, nature. That's cool. I skated for a while on Saturday. I haven't been riding much more than ten or fifteen minutes here or there this month it seems. This week looks good.

The Tony Hawk ad you wanted will be posted next week.

It's crazy to think Guy and Koston are off Girl. Although in his new Nike ad, Eric is holding up his board. it's clearly not a Girl deck and there are no logos showing.

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