Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Steve Nesser #2.


Steve is from Minneapolis, Minnesota. He got into skateboarding during the days of H-Street and Hokus Pokus. His first trip to California was to visit his sister. She was friends with the guitar player from Samiam. He took Steve and Seth McCallum to a mini ramp session in Oakland. The ramp belonged to Jim Thiebaud. Mark Gonzales and Tommy Guerrero were there and skating. That had to have been a memorable experience for two kids from the North Star State. Steve turned pro for Consolidated and has also ridden for Iota and Birdhouse. He started the High Five with Todd Bratrud, which later changed to Send Help. I'm not positive if Send Help is still going. I liked their graphics. Steve currently runs Familia Skateshop in Minneapolis.

The photo is by Sam McGuire.

The Skateboard Mag - October 2011 Issue 91

1 comment:

Justin said...

"Capsized" was a song by Samiam. The video got some play on 120 Minutes back in 1994. I figured I had to go with that after reading the interview with Steve from same issue of the Skateboard Mag this ad was in. And that's your bit of useless 90s trivia for the day.

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