Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Reese Forbes #6.

Once in a lifetime.

Reese had been riding for Duffs before switching to Vita. After Vita ended, he rode for Nike. His pro sneaker resembles the model Natas had. Reese would have been on Element at this time for a board sponsor.

I'm theoretically putting together a feature on enjoi's Bag Of Suck for next week since the video was released in 2006. It getting there, but it ain't going well right now. It's going to be a long weekend of flipping through magazines.

Transworld - February 2001 Volume 19 Number 2


Anonymous said...

I am glad to hear about your Bag of Suck week! As you dig, I know that Slap covered Enjoi/Tiltmode heavily around 98-02, coincidentally, the years that I had a subscription.

Anonymous said...

Also, a bit of skate nerdism, on the cover of Bag of Suck, Louie is holding a beer with the "Black Cat" box art by Maple.

Justin said...


My issue of Thrasher that has the ad with the video cover got mauled by the postal service. I don't think that ran elsewhere.

Deleted and replaced my initial comment due to typos.

I'm trying to do the video justice. The plan is one enjoi ad plus one action scan for each rider that has a full part in BOS. I figured since the video came out in 2006 I could just check that year and be good to go. Not the case at all. Dwindle rotated ads and locations in the mags. There wasn't an enjoi ad every month necessarily either. I've expanded my search years and things are sort of coming together. I've still got a lot of work to do. 

My solution is three days of unrelated content starting Monday and then start BOS next Thursday. 

03/17 - Intro

03/18 - Caswell

03/21 - The Kid

03/22 - Jose

03/23 - Clark

03/24 - Louie

03/25 - Jerry

The Skate Park of Tampa has a detailed coverage index. I got months and mags now. - If anybody knows of dates for Clark Hassler coverage, holla. He's had all of one Nike ad and I posted that already.

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