Friday, September 23, 2016

Mark Heintzman #5.

Pop shove-it late flip.

Everybody was trying to impress each other with how small their wheels were and how edgy they could be with naming products or coming up with graphics in the early 1990s. I'm thinking naming your wheels HIV is failed attempt in the branding department. The owners of G & S were on the conservative side so this one was a little surprising to see.

A-1 Meats did a similar ad in September 1991 that showed their small wheels. They didn't include any skateboarding to spice it up a bit.

Skateboarding somehow worked out last night. I've had a head cold the last few days and wasn't expecting much, but the weather was so perfect I made myself go to the park. I stayed until the lights shut off and did well enough for me. It felt good being out in the fresh air. I'm doing freelance photography for the paper tonight and won't be able to skate so that was my motivation for battling the germs. I'm a little glad nobody was there because I had a box of tissues and a bottle of Gatorade with me.

Things are getting Blue for next week.

Grant Brittain photographed the sequence.

Transworld - June 1992 Volume 10 Number 6

1 comment:

Justin said...

The A-1 ad:

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