Friday, December 23, 2016

Ozone 1990 Catalog.

Ozone was a mail order company based in Pomona, California. I somehow wound up with a couple of their catalogs in the early 1990s. They were heavy on H-Street gear and I know I ordered stuff from them. You get a sampling of World Industries/Blind, later period Powell Peralta, early New Deal, Vision/Sims/Lucero/Tuff Skates, and SMA/Santa Cruz for decks. There's plenty of Airwalk, but I find it odd they didn't carry Vans. Vision's soft goods are well represented, too. I can't believe that Hokus Pokus cost almost forty bucks. No wonder we only bought two videos a year back then. Of course, there were only two video being released a year so it all evened out.

Hope everybody has a good holiday.

H-Street pro Brennand Schoffel is on the cover.


Anonymous said...

keep em coming. best skate blog!!!

nonickname said...

My first full price deck on page 7. Awesome.

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