Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Jeremy Klein #4.

Under Pressure.

Jeremy spins a backside 360 ollie as seen on film in Birdhouse's The End from 1998. He shared a part of urban destruction with Heath Kirchart for that flick. The skateboarding holds up as timeless, but the antics with the van and setting stuff on fire has not aged well. Or the Rob Zombie for that matter.

The photo is by Atiba Jefferson.

Warp - April 1999 Volume 8 Number 1


Unknown said...

vertisdead rocks! jeremys skating was awesome I agree. antics oh well. but I do like rob zombie because it was from twisted metal the video game and I know Jeremy was big into games. much like his rubbish heap with duck tales Nintendo opening

Anonymous said...

his skating ages well.

Anonymous said...

his asian goddess part is still holding up well.

Justin said...

He always picked good tricks - noseblunts, big ollies, nosepicks, etc. - and never got caught up with any of the trends of the day.

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