Friday, July 28, 2017

Israel Forbes #6.

Over on the corner, there's a happy noise.

I finally cracked and gave into the world of Powell Peralta reissues. The Nicky Guerrero was too cool looking to pass on. I had the t-shirt way back then and I always liked his skateboarding.

The Chrome Ball Incident continues the quality work with recent interviews featuring Dan Drehobl and Ray Barbee.

Shout out to friend of Vert Is Dead Jason Rothmeyer on his Halfway to the 90s video part he just put out at the age of 45. I like all the slappy tailslide variations.

Work has still been hectic and my brain is somewhat toasted. I think we're maybe hitting a lull before the back to school rush kicks in. I'm going to take some time this weekend to sketch out some general future plans for the site.

Behind the scenes production note: When I was finding stuff for DC and Capital, I saw Forbes and marked the page in the mag. When I went to scan it later, I realized I got Israel and not Reese. Oops.

Thrasher - April 1996 Volume 16 Number 4


Henry said...

I've looked at the Powell re-issues, too. Dogtown makes a mini Dressen board, and Vision makes a mini o.g. Gonz board (minus his name). I've thought about getting one of those to use as a cruiser, or for old school nostalgia sessions.

Unknown said...

Looking for cab bats and dragons in yellow, hard to find, first board I actually paid for myself.

Justin said...

I've got a Dressen and it's awesome on the wall. I also have a Scott Oster, but it was shrink wrapped before the paint was dry. I sort of question the wood quality on the Dogtown and Vision reissues. They're all made by Vision.

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