Friday, July 21, 2017

Pepe Martinez #2.


One thing I noticed and neglected to mention was how there was the Shorty's logo in a bunch of Capital ads. I don't think that happened with any other company. I'm guessing it might have been some sort of distribution deal to go along with all the guys on Capital riding for Shorty's. Maybe it was the first collaboration in the skateboard business.

It will be random mid 1990s stuff for next week. I'm working on getting pictures of local spots and former spots. The plan is a week of anecdotes about places I grew up skateboarding at that are now paved over and completely unskateable. Since this will involve a little more writing, I'm thinking I will try to get as many photos of different spots as possible while the weather is nice and do more with this theme in the future beyond just a week in early August. I'm intrigued about doing some sort of then and now type thing, too. I haven't quite figured it out, but I think pairing scans of what I liked at the time compared to what I like now from the same time period would be interesting.

Julius Reeves took the photograph.

Thrasher - September 1997 Volume 17 Number 9


nonickname said...

Can't wait. the idea of what we skated when we were young everyone can relate to and have their own stories to tell.

Henry said...

Yeah, it sounds like you have some cool stuff in the works.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, looking forward to the "Former Spots" article.

Justin said...

It's getting there. I missed out on this weekend because it was cloudy and slightly rainy. It's not going to take long to get all the photos, it just needs to be nice and nobody around. I also found a couple of old pictures of my friends skating that I might try to work into this somehow.

Anonymous said...

Greta idea!

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