Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Anthony Pappalardo #6.

Don't Bother Me.

Anthony put out a part in Lakai's Fully Flared video from 2007 that featured a lot of raw New York City skating on somewhat rougher spots. There were many ollies and nollies into banks, 50-50 transfers, and cellar doors. It was a little different from the more technical stuff and lacked the ledge dancing that filled the Flare. I can't recall what the internet thought of it at that moment, but the peanut gallery might not have dug the section. Now that a decade has passed and we've had time to digest everything, I think his part holds up fairly well and is indicative of where skateboarding is at these days. His trick selection would fit in nicely with a modern day video like Spirit Quest or Solsticij.

I swear Boil The Ocean wrote something about Pops recently, but much better.

The Skateboard Mag - January 2011 Issue 82


nonickname said...

Talking to the owner of my local shop last week he said Cons shut down his account and he got a letter that he can't sell his remaining stock on line at a discount...he's contacting his lawyer as apparently the Canadian distro is shutting down.

Unknown said...

A t pap is a kook, high on himself from past interviews. Uh u skate dude, not cure cancer

Justin said...

Yeah, I kind of forgot about the odd interviews and his disappearance from the skateboard world. It's better to not think about that stuff sometimes. His ender in Mosaic was rad.

I've heard a few rumblings about how Nike and Converse are doing that. Lame. Because they need to dominate the market even more.

Henry said...

The 48 Blocks interview. I wonder how he feels about it now. Does it make him cringe? Or does he think, "Well, I guess I told them!"?

Justin said...

That's a good question.

Everybody says and does dumb shit when they're young. Ideally, we will move on from the ignorance of youth. Most of us won't have what we said scanned in and posted online twenty years after the fact. I've been trying to be mindful of that when I'm looking for material.

Of course, now it's all on the internet anyway.

Anonymous said...

I like your attitude Justin. Way too much hate in skateboarding.

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