Monday, August 28, 2017

Mike Carroll #19.

Riding on the wall.

Mike crail grabs a wallride where the Crail Couch normally goes.

The Skateboard Mag - March 2011 Issue 84


nonickname said...

My town has just filled all the cracks on our streets with that horrible tar like substance that not only remains sticky/too soft but also is slightly raised making for really shitty rolls down to the mailbox. (Nothing to do with MC but needed to vent)

Henry said...

Ha ha.
One time I was trying frontside wallrides on this door downtown, and I couldn't land it. I got mad and threw my board against the wall... only it hit the store's glass window next to the wall instead. And broke it. In broad daylight. That was the end of that session! I left, quick.
I kind of feel bad about that one.

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