Tuesday, September 5, 2017

California Cheap Skates Summer 1991.

What happens when Hollywood has a successful movie?

They make a sequel.

Following that logic, Vert Is Dead is doing another week of board porn from CCS. I'm even throwing in some trucks and wheels to spice it up a little.

A reader sent in a request for a few specific catalogs and I had some of them so that's how this batch of scans came together. I'm ending the week with a catalog from 2010 for comparison purposes.

First up is the Summer 1991 catalog. Most of the heavy hitters of the industry are still going strong. Powell Peralta, H-Street, Santa Cruz, G & S, Vision, and Zorlac have plenty of decks for you to pick from. Newer companies like New Deal, Black Label, Small Room, and World Industries give the consumer some different choices. Decks of note would include the Ross Goodman Gravedigger, the Nicky Guerrero mask, the Jim Thiebaud hanging Klansman, and the SMA decks.

The wheel selection is dominated by Powell and Santa Cruz. I like the early Spitfire Classics and the New Deal Nude Eels. I had a set of the Powell Street Style wheels in green. I think I also had the A-1 Meats Kings because those were the wheels Matt Hensley rode. I might have had the Sex Cells, too. And for the folks who wind up on this site looking for Toxic Wheels, their Poison, Shock, and Acid Rain rollers will make you happy.

The cover photo is listed as John Lloyd by Xeno. That happens to be Xeno's real name. Photo magic or a typo?


Rikku Markka said...

I had that Ray Barbee and the Tommy Guerrero. Wheels seemed to last forever for me. And I had some World Gizmos last for at least three set ups.

nonickname said...

When I opened this I thought "I'll have had a few of the decks in here"...didn't have one! Then I remembered I was poor as the proverbial church mouse back then, skated decks til they had no tail, boards lasted longer as they were huge and I was basically only skating curbs so didn't break much of anything. Did have some of those Bullets though, very punk rock.

Henry said...

You know what else would be cool to post from CCS catalogs? Shoes.

stephen said...

man, that j lee deck on page 5 is one of the best graphics ever.

Justin said...

I should have done shoes. There were only four pages (two spreads) of 'em in each catalog. Tell you what, I'll do a bunch of the shoes right before Thanksgiving.

Yeah, that is a good Jason Lee deck.

I think I only had the Hensley and the Sal Barbier Lakers deck from this catalog.

Unknown said...

I used to have first California cheap skates magazine it was black and white I would order them from the 1-800 847-4476 number all the time my first Pro skateboard that I ever had was 8th Street Grim Reaper symbol holding up the lantern with the h tree symbol in the glowing Lantern in 1993

Unknown said...

The word tree was voice text error supposed to be (Street)

Unknown said...

I even used to watch skate TV they had the be for the the week and when somebody would eat s*** on their board that would be a moooooooo sound. I met Mike Vallely Nampa Karcher Mall 1994 be there or be square I used to have a pair of Eddie cockroach Wheels they were so small I could fit all four of them in the mouth.

Unknown said...

By the way whatever happened at the bridge bolts those are the best hands down. Every single skateboard shop shop in Boise Treasure Valley that I could get to in one day none of the employees new bridge bolts was stupid idiots shouldn't be working there if they don't know what bridge bolts are

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