Monday, September 11, 2017

Mark Gutterman.

No bueno.

I tried. I only found two ads for Bueno. They were getting distributed by Element so I thought they had a couple more ads, but I couldn't find 'em. And it wasn't for a lack of looking on a rainy Friday night either. I assume this means I will find them in next month or two.

Bueno was Stacy Lowery and Michael Sieben's company from 2005 to 2007. The idea was to bring some much needed humor back into skateboarding. The team included Shiloh Greathouse, Jeremy Holmes, Nate LaCoste, and Nate Broussard. Later they would start Roger and eventually the Program.

The remaining three fifths of the week will be used for Momentum Wheels. Their ads are kind of similar and were much easier to find.

The Skateboard Mag - May 2006 Issue 26

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Favorite company

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