Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Matt Allen.


Matt is from Victorville, California. In addition to Emerica, he rode for Foundation and Pharmacy Board Shop. His part in the F-Troop's 2007 video Cataclysmic Abyss is full of big rails and some tech stuff. Matt does a bunch of frontside heelflips, backside 360s, and big spins. In addition to his section, I watched the rest of Cataclysmic Abyss last night, too. That's a fairly solid video as a whole.

I also watched most of the new 917 video yesterday at the end of a slow work day. It was cool to see footage of Alex Olson's tricks from his Transworld interview from a couple of years ago. I'm glad the soundtrack was posted in the comments on YouTube because I would have been racking my brain for days trying to figure that one song was by Duster. I knew I recognized it, but I couldn't place it.

Skateboarder - December 2003 Volume 13 Number 4


Henry said...

I tried to watch the 917 video, but I couldn't. Not my cup of tea.
I have to give credit to Gilbert Crockett though, for his part. You can't tell from video how shitty and hard to skate some of those spots are.

Justin said...

I have to agree with you. I couldn't really get into it either. I can't quite place my finger on why, but some of the skating just didn't seem very good. It was also kind of rambling and would have benefited from tighter editing. No credits for the skaters always bugs me. Alex's stuff was solid. I need to watch the last two guys again because that was when I was closing up for the day. I do like that they used the Melvins in a vid, even though I'm not a big fan of them.

Gilbert Crockett is sick. Venue's Gospel is a worthwhile purchase for a shop video.

Henry said...

It makes me miss Richmond.

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