Thursday, October 19, 2017

Casey Rigney.

Casey is from Anacortes, Washington. He was pro for Arcade and joined up with them again when Jason Rogers relaunched the company in 2010. Casey was doing skateboard stunts with Cirque De Soleil circa 2011. He rips and can throw down some serious switch tech tricks.

Autobahn was the wheel branch of Arcade. They sponsored a huge list of people in the early to mid 2000s. I'm not sure if Autobahn is still going. I could have picked an Arcade ad with Casey, but I always prefer one large photo to a sequence. It makes for a better scan.

It looks the Skateboard Mag is done. I renewed my subscription over the summer, but I don't think they completely kept sending me issues from a quick check of the covers on the website. I did get the Na-Kel Smith and Collin Provost editions, but not the Andrew Allen or the last two for that matter. I'll factor one of those to lost in the mail, otherwise that's crappy customer service. Do unfilled prior subscriptions get transferred over to the new Berrics magazine? Or do you have to subscribe to that separately? I imagine it's the later. You guys can keep my twenty bucks since you probably need it more than I do. The Mag went completely downhill once it changed hands. Bummer.

For the info: Thrasher - May 2011 Volume 31 Number 5

Thrasher - February 2003 Volume 23 Number 2


Justin said...

This guy is good:

Henry said...

I've sung that guy's praises many times.
It's vaguely depressing. What I mean is, I used to think if you were good you would be successful. I guess there's more to it- who you know, your image, who you ride for... I don't know, I've never been a professional skateboarder. But it seems like a lot of other bullshit factors into it, besides just being good.

Justin said...

It's sometimes amazing who ends up making it and who doesn't. You also have to consider what the person wants to do. Maybe they were content to be sponsored for a little while and then move on to something else.

Anonymous said...

man, that's the way it is tho. think about music: the most popular bands in history aren't always technically the best musicians.

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