Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Kyle Frederick.

"Square tail 8.5 in the back, 8.75 up front by 33 long. She's a beaut!"

Kyle filmed a part called "12 O'Clock Karl". I saw it on the Thrasher Hell of a Year 2014 DVD the mag released to sum up the best of the previous twelve months. He acquired the nickname of Karl by accident from Michael Burnett, hence the video part's official title. Kyle is from the Philadelphia area and rode for Mystery. He started riding a 1991 shaped deck and it worked for him pretty well. He reminds me of Fred Gall in a way. Kyle had no problems making the filmer board flip or doing early grabs to crooked grinds down handrails. I'm not sure what all he is doing today, but he was working as an ironworker in Phillie.

Omit was a short lived clothing company done by Chris Cole. It was distributed by LRG. I thought it was by DC Shoes because Blabac was taking the photos and the ads looked similar.

Mike Blabac took the photo.

Transworld - November 2011 Volume 29 Number 11


Justin said...

For an interview with Kyle:


Anonymous said...

Pretty sure LRG distributed (v)Omit.

Justin said...

Yeah, it was LRG. I looked it up.

Honestly, never would have thought that. I knew Chris had left Fallen for DC at the time and figured he got a clothing brand in the deal. All the photos are by Blabac and the ads looked way better than anything LRG ever did. Although they do occupy the Fallen/DC territory for design.

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