Thursday, December 7, 2017

Andy Howell #3.

H-Bomb blasts frontside.

For all the technical street innovation Andy brought to skateboarding with nollies and switch tricks, it gets a little overlooked that he was also good on ramps and vert.

The snow is here as of today. I brought my board with me to work yesterday because it was dry when I got up. The weather at lunch featured a stiff breeze and the slightest amount of flakes possible. Somehow it warmed up to 39˚ F and the wind subsided when I clocked out so I got in an unexpected twenty minute session at the park before sunset. It was a nice bonus for the day.

The photo is by Bill Thomas.

This was in the 1991 Thrasher calendar on the back cover.


nonickname said...

Spare a thought for the LA skaters today, was just in contact with someone from out there and they said the fires are the worst they've ever seen and their car was covered in ash last night.

Henry said...

I saw Andy Howell outside a Dinosaur Jr concert in Atlanta once. He was such a mythic, legendary figure when I was growing up, it was like seeing The Fonz in person.

Anonymous said...

Dude was the best. Skated with him at Bell Banks, Sci Trek, North Ave a bunch back in 91.

Anonymous said...

I was with him at the Mascarade when Dinosaur Jr. was playing. Small world!

bradtheraddad said...

Andy was a ripper and did his own thing, thankfully. Growing up in the south, it was refreshing to have a few heroes that weren't trying to be clones but instead, pushing the envelope, gracefully.

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