Thursday, December 28, 2017

Chris Miller #12.

Pool Cat.

For those wondering, my town did not get the five feet of snow that Erie, Pennsylvania is now buried under. We're sitting on a wind blown eight inches or so of snow. The roads are clear, but daily highs are only in the teens. I'm about 45 minutes northeast of Erie, which is just enough to make a difference with the weather, particularly with lake effect snow storms. Lake effect often dumps a lot of snow in a small area while avoiding other places that are nearby. Needless to say, I'm not going to the mall in Erie any time soon.

Transworld - September 1990 Volume 8 Number 9


nonickname said...

I had a Planet Earth hat with the oval and backward E in green and gold, more than a few people asked me why I bought a reject/mistake "Packers" hat.

toma said...

It’s 2018 where’s your posts, doo? I’m trying to be the Neil Blender of NWA but I’m not smart and can’t do inverts

Justin said...

It's winter break. Back on January 15th.

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