Friday, December 15, 2017

Danny Sargent #4.

"I like to ride both ways, but sometimes I forget which was I'm going. I'm trying switchfoot backside 360˚ ollies. I like doing switchfoot backside 180˚s over stairs, impossibles, and ollie flips. Ollie shove-its and late shove-its are rad. Nollie everything. I've always loved doing 360˚ frontside ollies since my friend Dan Feldman taught me in Portland in 1986. We both learned it on the same day, but he did it first. Since then, I always like to push that trick over longer stairs and over hips. On vert, I like backside ollie tail slides. I want to try and get gnarlier. I want to do backside disaster reverts. I love vert. I love street. I love going fast, hauling ass."

Danny doesn't always get the credit he deserves for pushing switch skating back in the early 1990s. For example, he had a switch backside 180 down the EMB Seven. I like how he calls it switchfoot instead of simply saying switch. Of course this was a time when the names of tricks were still being worked out. Danny was also riding ramps as well to keep his skating well rounded.

Bryan Temmermand took the photo.

For the quote: Thrasher - January 1992 Volume 12 Number 1

Transworld - December 1989 Volume 7 Number 8


Anonymous said...

You should have included the quote from the same interview about ditching rails, risers, etc.

Henry said...

I remember that switch backside 180. It was in 1281. He did it good, too.
It's funny, I remember watching some parts of that video and thinking, "What the fuck is this? This is horrible!" And then a year later everyone was skating like that.

Unknown said...

Ha yea, thought same thing but did like how fast he went. Wow I remember how I always had to get my rails perfect, kids got it easy these days ha

Henry said...

I didn't mean Danny Sargent. I liked his part. I meant the rest of the video.

bradtheraddad said...

Loved Danny's "barge at will" style, aggressive yet tech!

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