Friday, December 22, 2017

Noah Salasnek.

Big Air Attack.

Noah was from Marin County, California. He was sponsored by H-Street and had a good amount of tricks in Hokus Pokus. In addition to skateboarding, he was a snowboarder and you could see the influence on his skating. From my recent viewing of Hokus Pokus, he would float and tweak his airs in a way that not many other people were doing. He stood out from the rest. Noah turned pro in 1991 for Life, Ron Allen's branch of H-Street. His part in A Soldier's Story is rad with a whole bunch of nollie tricks on ramps. As vert was dying out in the early 1990s, Noah shifted his focus to snowboarding and became one of the top pros. Sadly, he passed away from cancer this last April.

Always remember those who have left us too soon.

The photo is by Tobin Yelland.

Thrasher - October 1991 Volume 11 Number 10


Nonickname said...

MERRY Christmas Justin and thanks again for the site and all the work you put into it.

Unknown said...

I second that. Thanks Justin and happy holidays and new year

Anonymous said...

I check out your site all the time. Thank you for scanning all of these ads as well turning themes out of your post. Rest gently Noah.

Justin said...

You're welcome. Hope everybody has a good holiday.

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