Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Sam Cunningham & Jim Gray.

Two for Tuesday.

I bought Blockhead's Splendid Eye Torture video back in 1989 at the local skateboard shop. I loaned it out to a friend and never got it back. He loaned it out to another skateboarder who dubbed a copy of it. I somehow wound up with the duplicate VHS tape, which also included World Industries' Rubbish Heap, so in a way I came out ahead in the end. Blockhead somewhat recently reissued all their old videos on two DVDs and I added the full library to my collection. And no, you can't borrow any of them.

Blockhead has come to be my favorite of all the 1980s stuff. It's good to see Dave Bergthold keeping things going on a small scale with reissues and whatnot.

The lake effect snow is headed our way. I used an hour of vacation time to take a long lunch yesterday so I could get in some skateboarding at the park. I had a good little session on what was probably the last of the warm days for a while.

Thrasher - April 1990 Volume 10 Number 4


nonickname said...

I remember a Blockhead Ad that had two pictures of Omar Hassan, riding his flying carpet model, but one set up with rails (and maybe bigger wheels) for ramps and the other without for street and thinking that was the coolest thing ever.

Henry said...

You're going way back with this one. My friend had a Blockhead Sam Cunningham board. We were in the 6th grade.

Justin said...

I think I know the ad you are talking about. I couldn't find it online so I'll scan it in at some point in the future. I got the reissue t-shirt for his flying carpet board.

The Blockhead DVDs are totally worth picking up, especially the Splendid Eye Torture one.

I had a Mark Partain. I'd like a Sam Cunningham, although I'm not sure which graphic. Their stuff was so good.

Henry said...

I had a Hard Times board, but that was years later.
You know what's funny? When you have expectations for a board, and it turns out to be the opposite. My local shop had an Underworld Element Julien Stranger, and I wanted that board so bad. I got it and thought, This board is going to be so good! And it was... okay. Another time I got a Consolidated deck. I thought, Whatever, I don't skate like those guys, I probably won't like this board. And it turned out to be so good.

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