Thursday, February 15, 2018

Edward Devera #2.

I enjoy a lot of the design for the Real ads circa 1992 and 93 when the company was starting to establish themselves in the industry.

Ed is from San Jose, California. He was an am for Santa Cruz before switching to Real. He would later ride for Mad Circle and ATM Click. Ed's part in the first Real video featured a variety of smoothly done flip tricks and manuals set to the sounds of Santana.

It seems like spring might be getting here soon, but winter still has plenty of time left. I checked the skatepark and it is buried under more snow than what our brief warm up will probably be able to melt. I forgot there was a good dose of the white stuff last week. I got in a flatground session in my parents' driveway yesterday after work since that was the only spot that was dry. I wanted to skate my portable flat bar, but my dad moved it to the storage shed in the backyard and I didn't feel like getting it out. I settled for some pop shove-its and bailing heelflips. I usually got those, but it wasn't happening. I also realized my flat game is pretty lean. I think I'd rather do boardslides and 50-50s because it feels like you are doing something more productive. I've put in the time over the years to learn tricks on flat and I know what battles I can win versus which tricks are a lost cause.

Thrasher - July 1993 Volume 13 Number 7


Unknown said...

Weird, I just checked two days ago to see if he still skated for atm. Guy was seriously underrated.

Ben said...

even weirder, i took my daughter to the mall for jeans and walked into a zumiez for the first time ever. went straight to the boards and couldn't believe my eyes. they had quite a few atm click boards!!! i ghought they went away by 92.

Justin said...

ATM kept it going. I think they are still around. I'll occasionally see kids riding their boards that they got at the mall, probably because they are cheap.

Justin said...

Ed ripped. I don't think he turned pro for Real and that's why he left for Mad Circle.

Unknown said...

I bought a cheap atm beater to have at my parents house when I visit, they're actually decent boards

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