Thursday, March 29, 2018

Ricky Oyola #10.

Upward Love.

Ricky launches a 360 flip up the stairs at Love Park with the aid of an improvised jump ramp.

I always used Black Magic until a number of years ago. I wasn't putting it on right or something so I'd get air bubbles. It occasionally wouldn't stick to the board. I solved the problem by switching to Jessup. That took care of the issues I was having. Even after all these years of gripping decks, I'm never comfortable doing it and fear messing something up. I keep some spare griptape on hand in case I screw up. I've never had to use the emergency grip yet. So I'm not just complaining about Shorty's, I stocked up on bolts from my friend's shop this past Christmas. I should be good on hardware for the rest of my life.

I got skateboarding at the park after work yesterday. The snow melted a lot faster than I thought it would based upon how much there was when I checked on Saturday morning. I started off OK and then my trucks froze up due to the cold. Things were not feeling right by the time I gave up for the evening. It really wasn't that cold either. The time has come to set up a new board, too.

The photo is by Shawn "Frankie" Brodsky.

Transworld - September 2002 Volume 20 Number 9


nonikname said...

Other than changing the description to "360 flip" or something "steezy" like 3flip (ugh) that could run as an ad today and still look great, especially due to frames two through four.
Already got a new deck bought or in mind? I've got a Studio (Canadian brand) ready to go, but its still raining every second day here with sand and road salt everywhere so I'm holding off for now and still in semi-hibernation mode.

Henry said...

A good 360 flip is timeless.
I ride a 7.75, but I think I'd like to get a 7.6 (yes, I'm serious).
Hearing about the weather in other places almost makes me feel guilty. The other day I literally thought, Ugh! It's too hot!

Justin said...

I set up a Polar Aaron Herrington. I've been riding the same 8.125" x 32" shape that Polar makes for the last few years. I'll buy a new one any time they release a batch so I've always got a couple decks stashed under my couch for when I need a new one. It was a good call, my old board was done.

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