Thursday, April 5, 2018

Caswell Berry #5.

Enjoy the Machine.

Caswell was on Powell before Ed Templeton added him to the monster squad. Toy Machine was going through a rebuild in the early 2000s as the entire team except for Austin Stephens had quit. Caswell didn't stay on very long before switching to enjoi. The change was based mainly on the fact most of his friends were on their team and not Toy Machine. He's still sponsored by enjoi. Caswell has battled a few serious injuries over the years, but he keeps on rolling. I'm a fan and it's good to see he's been able to keep skateboarding for a long time.

In regards to the comment from the other day, there was an enjoi ad that was set up like a bracket with the names of the team riders. It ran in the July 2002 issue of Big Brother. The team at the time was Bobby Puleo, Marc Johnson, Brad Staba, Jose Rojo, Jerry Hsu, Louie Barletta, Clark Hassler, Dave Mayhew, and Rodney Mullen. It's not the most exciting ad ever with a blue background and a whole lot of Helvetica. I'll think about scanning it in, but it might not be for a while as I'm all set for 2002-3 content and will be moving onto something different in two weeks.

Luke Ogden shot the sequence.

Transworld - March 2002 Volume 20 Number 3


Henry said...

You know what occurred to me looking at this ad? How long Toy Machine and Toy Machine ads have been like this. Which I get in a way. This is our identity, this is our "brand", or whatever. But it would be like being in a band and playing the same song over and over. For twenty years.
That's not a criticism, I understand it's probably not a good idea to dramatically change things up. It's more like one of the many reasons I'm glad I don't own a skateboard company.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the research on the Enjoi ad. Caswell had a ripping 411 Profile in which Steve Cab introduces him.

Justin said...

You're welcome. I'll maybe scan it and do an enjoi post in this batch.

Justin said...

Random enjoi post on Saturday, April 21st. It will include that ad.

Dinger Magna said...

im searching for a ad of caswell in toy machine doin a feeble in south america in chile valparaiso please help me i got the image but in a very poor quality i can sent it to you please help and this is my instagram @stonerider.420

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