Monday, April 30, 2018

Jerry Hsu #7.

Sci-Fi Fantasy.

A young Jerry throws down in the Osiris days. Jerry recently left Chocolate to start his own company called Sci-Fi Fantasy, which appears to only be a clothing company at this moment. He also might be off of Emerica and on Vans for shoes now.

Did anybody see the Trouble Shooters video they are advertising in this? I don't ever remember hearing of such a video.

The photo is by Brian Reid.

Big Brother - April 1998 Issue 35


Nonickname said...

Osiris that don't attach to your pants? Whack. But what's even more whack is what Jerry's sci-fi t-shirts were being sold for. A fool and his money and all that.

Henry said...

SAG. Smolik Athletic Gear.
If people are willing to pay top dollar for a t-shirt that says "Sci-Fi Fantasy" on it, Jerry Hsu might as well take their money. I guess you can't put a price on being cool.

Justin said...

Yeah, no velcro for your pants. Those shoes look... wearable.

Never mind, I found it on YouTube. It's a San Diego video by Steve Celentani. It features a whole lot of hardflips and a good chunk of the Osiris team. Willy Santos and Andy Mac are in it, too.

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