Monday, May 21, 2018

Dan Drehobl & Darren Navarrette.

Dan and Darren blasting some airs during the Emerica days.

Vert Is Dead hits the decade mark today so I figured I'd do a double shot of two of my all time favorites.

Thanks for all the support over the last ten years. It's a little hard to believe this thing has been going on since 2008. It also seems like those years went by rather quickly. Enjoy the ride.

Dan: Big Brother - May 1998 Issue 36

Darren: Big Brother - April 1998 Issue 35


Nonickname said...

In honour of the anniversary I'll drag my hungover butt (at a long weekend pool opening bbq last night) outside and do some old man flatground to see what I've still got. Happy 10th and thanks for everything!

Justin said...

Thanks. Ha. That was me on Sunday. I'm getting too old for this beer crap and hangovers.

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