Thursday, May 24, 2018

Mike Rafter.

"This is more like your average street creature."

Mike is from Sacramento, California. He rode for Arsenal before switching to Creature. He was also sponsored by Shaft, Voice, and later, Santa Cruz. His favorite movie is Evil Dead. Some of his favorite skaters include Cairo Foster, Ron Whaley, Brian Anderson, and Jeff Toland. Mike was into painting, too.

I always put one sticker on my board by the back truck. I'm not personally into covering a deck with stickers, but it's good to have a minimal amount of decoration. I had been using the Eswic shield logo from Jimmy Arrighi's now folded clothing company since I had a ton of them. I decided I had to change to a currently active entity and thought about what companies I liked. I always enjoy Creature videos so I ordered up a 25 pack of their small logo stickers so I'm all set.

I have the t-shirt of the skull with the horns in this ad. I got to the skateshop and my friend who was working told me they had pulled the plug on Creature so he saved me the shirt. I'll wear it occasionally for Halloween or other random days. It's held up pretty good over the years, not that it gets worn too often.

The photo is by Lance Dalgart.

For the quote and information: Big Brother - February 1999 Issue 45

Big Brother - December 1998 Issue 43

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jeff Toland. Wow.

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